Brook Gen-5X Fighting Board
This is the latest model of the board for home-built arcade controllers made by Brook.
The Gen-5X Fighting Board is designed for the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S,
ensuring seamless compatibility and a superior gaming experience.
The GEN-5X Fighting Board is designed for the next generation consoles PS5 and XB X|S, offering seamless compatibility and an exceptional gaming experience.
It features RGB-LEDs, allowing players to customize the LEDs.
The OLED display also allows players to see the current settings at a glance.
It supports digital buttons and analog stick simulation for flexible control. In addition, ultra-low latency technology allows for instant response, and built-in assist features greatly enhance gameplay and control.
It's easy to create a next-generation fighting stick tailored just for you!
- Low Latency
- Multi-Console Support
- Firmware update via USB
- Dedicated cableEasy connection via
- Compatible with standard SOCD cleaner
- Turbo mode support (continuous fire function)
- Support for left and right analog sticks
- WS2812B RGB LED support
- OLED display support
Supported Hardware
- PlayStation 5 Native
- Nintendo Switch
- PC (XInput)
For other wiring information, please refer to the Support tab and the official User Guide.

For wiring, the Brook Fighting cable and other wiring harnesses can be used for normal use.
For normal use, simply point the 20-pin and 4-pin cables of a wire harness such as the Brook Fighting cable.
For other settings such as turbo buttons and analog sticks, please refer to
Please refer to the official Brook User Guide (PDF).
Scrolling through the PDF, you will find the manual in Japanese.
About OLED
The specifications of the available OLED displays are as follows.
VCC: 3.3v~5v
SCL: Clock Line
SDA: Data Line
Resolution: 128 x 64
Driver IC:SSD 1309, compatible with SSD1306
Interface: I2C Interface
Please refer to the official user guide for more information on what is displayed.
Manual Selection Mode
The mode can also be selected manually.
Basically, the mode is automatically selected when a console device is connected.
1. Press and hold the desired switch button.
2. Reinsert the device or press the reset button.
*The last setting selected will be memorized.
Button to switch between each mode:
1P(□) : PS5
2P(△) : Xbox Series X/S
3P(R1) : Nintendo Switch
4P(L1): PC (Xinput)
About Function keys
The FN key is used in Turbo mode or when using RGB-LED.
FN key + any button can be used to change the setting,
This is required when using Turbo or RGB-LED.